Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Jolly Hollies..❄️🤶🏿🖤


Christmas is an opportunity for soaking in its quaint traditions and endearing rituals. The soul-stirring festive occasion not only sends a wave of joy to people all around , it brings hope to people and celebrates the idea of warmth and closeness of human relationships. Imbued with the spirit of love, sharing and togetherness, Christmas festival touches everyone’s hearts.

GCTE was already drenched in Christmas mood with the big star hung on the tree, the crib, the christmas tree and the practice sessions. The Christmas celebration was titled The Jolly Hollies. Everyone was dressed in red and white with christmas caps.

The formal inaugural session was chaired by Dr. VK Santhosh Kumar. Rev. Fr. Sunil M John, Vicar of Salem Marthoma Church Vazhuthacaud inaugurated the programme and conveyed the message of Christmas. He explained about Christmas, Christ's nativity and their deeper meanings. He said that Christmas is the celebration of the weak and the poor. Our beloved teachers Dr. Joly S and Dr. Isacc Paul, Manoj Kumar, Praveen Kumar S, Vishnu G and GS Smitha Nair extended felicitations to the programme. Sandhya A gave the welcome speech and the vote of thanks was rendered by Sibana S. The show stealer of the day was Kavya Sagar who left everyone amazed as the Santa Claus. Her entry was splendid and everyone cheered as she danced to 'Kannum kannum kaathirunnu..' She gave away gifts to the teachers and student teachers and cut the cake with the dignitaries onstage. Pieces of cake were distributed among the teachers and student teachers.

The spirit of christmas was elevated by the Carol songs sung by the student teachers. The day was full of energy and vibrance with songs, dance performances and games.

The Nativity play directed by Mariya George was the centre of attraction of the day. A Nativity play or Christmas pageant is a play which recounts the story of the Nativity of Jesus. We were assigned the characters of Mary, Joseph, Melchior, Caspar, Balthazar, Gabriel, Shepherds and Herod the Great. The play was the culmination of days-long efforts made by us and we felt proud as the curtain fell.

The final part of the day was the Treasure Hunt organized by the College Union. Student teachers were divided into 3 groups and given a color each. All three groups went in search of the clues and treasure and the treasure hunt literally left us exhausted! The clues were so confusing and ambiguous that everybody strived to crack the clues.

And that's the wrap-up to another Christmas celebration.

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