Friday, February 16, 2024

ചിരന്തന (Day 5)


The final aerobics session of the camp was dynamic as well informative. Once the exercise part was over, Ms Jithi J G shared valuable pieces of information on the evolving career prospects related to yoga, aerobics, fitness etc.

A short session led by Harikrishnan, a motivator and upcycling trainer preceded the valedictory function. In the creative and eco-conscious session tailored for student teachers, the focus shifted from traditional classroom approaches to the innovative realm of upcycling. The session provided valuable insights into repurposing discarded materials to create educational resources. The session instilled a sense of sutainability in the minds of attendees.

Valedictory Session

The chief guest of the valedictory session was Dr.VK. Santhosh kumar, Vice Principal, GCTE Thycaud. Student teachers and teachers shared their experiences and self-reflections. Tokens of love and appreciation were handed over to the staff of Grameena Patana Kendram, Karakulam.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

ചിരന്തന (Day 4)


The session started by 6.30 am. Ms. Jithi J G demonstrated more movements and we engaged in rhythmic and repetitive movement set to energetic music. The rhythmic beats guided each movement, enhancing coordination and boosting mood.

•Parayunnu Paadunnu 

The session led by Gireesh Puliyoor was unique and thought provoking. His verses delved into the tapestry of realistic social issues. Contrary to the sessions so far which talked about superficial concerns, the poet skilfully addressed pressing concerns, sparking introspection among us. The verses painted pictures of societal challenges from inequality and injustice to environmental crises and the complexities of human relationships. Through the lens of poetry, the session became a powerful platform for reflection prompting a collective examination of our shared responsibilities and the need for positive change.

By 1 30 pm, wo set out to Indian lnstitute of Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram. The college had arranged two buses for us. After the preliminary security check, we were asked to gather at the conference hall of IIST.  Dr Umesh Kathani gave an enriching talk on Art and science of learning. He talked about various perspectives of teaching and learning and made sure the attendees are thoroughly engaged.

Throughout the visit to the IIST, an atmosphere of excitement and curiosity prevailed. The visit provided a unique opportunity for us to explore the cutting edge advancements in space science and technology. Engaging in interactive sessions, the student teachers ganed insights into the institute's research projects, satellite technology and space exploration initiatives.

After we returned from IIST, the most awaited cultural night at Chirantana happened. Dance performances, group songs and the award ceremony reigned the night. We went back to our rooms with a bunch of cherishable moments.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

ചിരന്തന (Day 3)


The session started at 6:30. After warming up, she introduced aerobic movements slightly complex than last day's. It offered a refreshing start to the day infusing energy and vitality.

After breakfast, we gathered at the conference hall and each group presented the news. Instructions for the day were given by teachers.

We Can Change (9:30-12:30 pm)

The session led by shaji N. Raj, motivational speaker was inspirational. It ignited the belief in our ability to transform ourselves and the world around us. The speaker incorporated a self-analysis checklist and a role-playing exercise simulating various stages of life and the typically associated struggles of each stage which made the session lively. The speaker encouraged us to embrace the power within and initiate positive shifts in lives, relationships and communities.

The mantra of time, value, behaviour and happiness being one's own responsibility reminded us to take charge of our own lives and conquer our goals. By emphasizing the potential for growth and adaptability, the talk motivated us to break free from limiting mindsets and take proactive steps towards personal and collective improvement.

After lunch, necessary preparations including setting up of the placards and practice of the flashmob were finished. By 3 pm, the five groups were sent to the community survey. Each of the groups was allotted a specific area. They were also given 10-15 bottles of lotion and handwash for sale. A general orientation was provided.

The community survey was a novel experience. We went from door to door with our survey questionnaire, response forms, pamphlets, lotion and handwash. However, we managed to collect the required data and sell the products within the stipulated time. By 5 pm, we gathered at the junction for the flash mob. The flash mob was followed by the display of placards about sustainable development and a pledge. Later, a reflection session was arranged for us to share our experience. However, the highlight of the day was the valentine's day special midnight movie screening.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ചിരന്തന (Day 2)

Aerobics (6:30-7:30 am)

The aerobics session led by Ms Jithi JG began by 6:30 am She gave a brief introduction of aerobics and its health benefits. It was pumped with energy. She demonstrated the simplest aerobics movements as we were beginners and weren't acquainted to daily physical activities.

After breakfast, we met at the conference hall and read the newspaper groupwise. The presentation turned out to be hilarious as the creative, funny side of the members who created news out of the most subtle and little things was evident. Isaac sir paid a visit to the camp and conveyed his regards afterwards.

The students of Natural Science department presented the theme of the camp. Gowry, Revathy, Kavya Sagar, Angitha and Rajalakshmi presented various subtopics like pillars of Sustainable development, 17 SDGs, surtainable practices etc. The presentation supported by powerpoint slides made the session more engaging.

Mental Health and Counselling

Dr. H Vijayan Pillal, Director INFERENCE contre for Psychological Service gave a talk on various basic concepts of psychology with a special emphasis on mental health and counselling. He explaned various behavioural drorders and how they should be dealt with. He also shared instances from his professional life and underscored the importance of self-care,.stress management and seeking support when needed.

Towards the end, a question answer session was included where student teachers shared their doubts and questions which made the session more engaging. The session highlighted the critical role of emotional and mental wall-being in all aspects inclucling teaching-learning environment.

Campus to Community

The session led by soft skill trainer, Sri S. Sreenath was a dynamic and immersive experience, featuring a group jigsaw activity that enhanced their collaborative and communicative abilities. Initially, the group was divided into 6 teams and each team was asked to name themselves and do an action while introducing their name. Apart from the discussions and interactions, the star was the world tour jigsaw activity. Participants were given different cities of the world encouraging teamwork and effective communication to assemble the complete picture and reach the destination. The group led by Jessy won she was asked about the strategy that led to their victory, following which the participants and the winners were congratulated. The session not only honed their problem solving skills but also underscored the importance of active listening and cooperation in a professional setting.

Effective Communication

The sassion led by Adv. Anson PD Alexander, Director of Kanal NGO actively discussed the vital role of communication in any scenario. The session which began with an ice breaking activity took unpredictable turns as it proceeded. He explained various types of communication by inviting students teachers and engaging in real conversations with them. It was easy to analyze the characteristic features of each type.

The highlight of the session was an on-the-spot mime curated by Parvathy, Sibana, Rakendu and Jenifa. Within the allotted time, they managed to stage the well sequenced story of a salon with the 2 pieces of cloth as the prop. A set of five student teachers were asked to communicate a character or an animal while their faces are covered with black clothes, and audience were made to guess it. Integration of the role playing exercises elevated the experience. The session emphasized the importance of clear articulation, active listening and non-verbal cues in fostering productive relationships.

After dinner, the participants of flash mob were busy practicing it while others worked on the newspaper.

Monday, February 12, 2024

ചിരന്തന(Day 1)

The student teachers were asked to gather of the General Hall-1 by 9:30 am for the SUPW session. It is on innovative initiative aimed at combining practical skill development with Financial empowerment for students. It provided hands-on experience in the manufacturing of hygiene products including lotion and handwash while simultaneously preparing to generate money through their sale.

Sri. Ummer, Sri. Sukumalan and Smt. Smitha from Gandhi Bharan, Thycaud were the resource persons. We received training in the formulation and production of handwash and lotion. This involved understanding the key ingredients, their properties and the precise measurements required for quality products we learned to mix ingredients such as soap base, assential oils and antibacterial agents to create an effective and fragrant hand wash. The lotion production involved combining moisturizing elements, fragrances and preservatives to create a soothing and nourishing product.

Student teachers actively participated in the Packaging and branding as well. Empty bottles were collected and brought to the college as a means of being relevant to the theme of the camp. The finished products were transferred into containers. Additionally, Swadeshi' label was pasted on the bottles as part of branding them.

The Journey to Grameena Patana Kendram was tiring. Everyone struggled to climb the steep slope with heavy bags on their back The place was stunning The fatigue vanished as we made it to the top. After placing our luggage in the designated places, we assembled in the conference hall for inaugural ceremony.

•Inaugural Ceremony

The ceremony was formally inaugurated by Shri. Brahmanayakam Mahadevan, social activist and master trainer. He shared his happiness of seeing an authentic, eco-friendly banner in a camp after so long and congratulated Chinju and Gowry for handcrafting the beautiful piece. Keerthana Anil and Gowry sang the camp song. Dr. AV Sujith delivered the presidential address, while Shiba TC shared felicitations. Dr Anju I delivered welcome speech and Dr Sreeja S.R delivered vote of thanks. Ashly L Paul compered the function.

•Puthiya Lokam Puthiya Kazhcha (3:00-6:00pm)

The session led by Brahma Nayakam Mahadevan was incredible. Through icebreakers, group discussions and collaborative exercises, attendees developed communication skills and empathy. We were asked to create large groups based on rows and columns of our seating arrangement, followed by smaller groups based on blood group, accessories and other similarities Finally, all of us had a pair with whom we discared our intuitions and self-reflections. It was like being on an experiential learning Journey.

The resource person had a charming vibe which captivated every one of us. We laughed, cried and had lot of fun. The reflections of the session shared by the student teachers shed light on how the session had been one of a kind. The session demonstrated how strengthened Interpersonal connections contribute to a supportive learning environment.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

GCTE Talkies

On February 1 and 2, 2024, the Daksha Union of the Government College of Teacher Education in Thycaud organized a Cine Fest to celebrate cinema and give students a platform to showcase their talent and creativity. The festival featured two movies, one screened each day.

The first movie, "12th Fail," was shown on February 1 at 1:30 PM. This film stands out as one of the most captivating and thought-provoking ever made, transcending conventional storytelling to deliver a powerful cinematic experience. Its brilliance lies in its compelling narrative, exceptional character development, and masterful direction. "12th Fail" explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the triumph of the human spirit, with characters portrayed so authentically that they allow the audience to deeply connect with the emotions depicted.

On February 2, the festival featured the movie "Upgrade," which explores the possibilities and consequences of advanced technology in a futuristic world. The film captivated the audience with its stunning visuals and gripping storyline, highlighting the potential implications of rapid technological advancements.

A unique aspect of the Cine Fest was the students' involvement, as they dressed up as iconic film characters, paying homage to the impact of these characters on cinema. It was delightful to see students embody their favorite roles and bring them to life on stage.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Wetlands and Human Well-being

The Geography Association (GEOQUEST) of Government College of Teacher Education (GCTE) Thycaud, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), organized a special talk for World Wetlands Day on February 2, 2024. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and their conservation.

Dr. V. Subhash Chandra Bose, a renowned environmentalist, was the chief guest, chosen for his expertise and experience in the field, making him an ideal speaker on the significance of wetlands and the necessity of their preservation.

The talk began with an introduction to the World Wetlands Day theme and an overview of the global state of wetland conservation. Dr. Bose delivered an insightful speech on the ecological, social, and economic importance of wetlands, highlighting their role in maintaining biodiversity, providing water resources, and offering livelihoods to local communities.

The audience, including students, faculty, and environmental enthusiasts, actively participated in the discussion, asking questions and sharing their views. Dr. Bose responded eloquently, providing comprehensive explanations and encouraging active involvement in wetland conservation efforts.


It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...