Wednesday, February 14, 2024

ചിരന്തന (Day 3)


The session started at 6:30. After warming up, she introduced aerobic movements slightly complex than last day's. It offered a refreshing start to the day infusing energy and vitality.

After breakfast, we gathered at the conference hall and each group presented the news. Instructions for the day were given by teachers.

We Can Change (9:30-12:30 pm)

The session led by shaji N. Raj, motivational speaker was inspirational. It ignited the belief in our ability to transform ourselves and the world around us. The speaker incorporated a self-analysis checklist and a role-playing exercise simulating various stages of life and the typically associated struggles of each stage which made the session lively. The speaker encouraged us to embrace the power within and initiate positive shifts in lives, relationships and communities.

The mantra of time, value, behaviour and happiness being one's own responsibility reminded us to take charge of our own lives and conquer our goals. By emphasizing the potential for growth and adaptability, the talk motivated us to break free from limiting mindsets and take proactive steps towards personal and collective improvement.

After lunch, necessary preparations including setting up of the placards and practice of the flashmob were finished. By 3 pm, the five groups were sent to the community survey. Each of the groups was allotted a specific area. They were also given 10-15 bottles of lotion and handwash for sale. A general orientation was provided.

The community survey was a novel experience. We went from door to door with our survey questionnaire, response forms, pamphlets, lotion and handwash. However, we managed to collect the required data and sell the products within the stipulated time. By 5 pm, we gathered at the junction for the flash mob. The flash mob was followed by the display of placards about sustainable development and a pledge. Later, a reflection session was arranged for us to share our experience. However, the highlight of the day was the valentine's day special midnight movie screening.

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