Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Jolly Hollies..❄️🤶🏿🖤


Christmas is an opportunity for soaking in its quaint traditions and endearing rituals. The soul-stirring festive occasion not only sends a wave of joy to people all around , it brings hope to people and celebrates the idea of warmth and closeness of human relationships. Imbued with the spirit of love, sharing and togetherness, Christmas festival touches everyone’s hearts.

GCTE was already drenched in Christmas mood with the big star hung on the tree, the crib, the christmas tree and the practice sessions. The Christmas celebration was titled The Jolly Hollies. Everyone was dressed in red and white with christmas caps.

The formal inaugural session was chaired by Dr. VK Santhosh Kumar. Rev. Fr. Sunil M John, Vicar of Salem Marthoma Church Vazhuthacaud inaugurated the programme and conveyed the message of Christmas. He explained about Christmas, Christ's nativity and their deeper meanings. He said that Christmas is the celebration of the weak and the poor. Our beloved teachers Dr. Joly S and Dr. Isacc Paul, Manoj Kumar, Praveen Kumar S, Vishnu G and GS Smitha Nair extended felicitations to the programme. Sandhya A gave the welcome speech and the vote of thanks was rendered by Sibana S. The show stealer of the day was Kavya Sagar who left everyone amazed as the Santa Claus. Her entry was splendid and everyone cheered as she danced to 'Kannum kannum kaathirunnu..' She gave away gifts to the teachers and student teachers and cut the cake with the dignitaries onstage. Pieces of cake were distributed among the teachers and student teachers.

The spirit of christmas was elevated by the Carol songs sung by the student teachers. The day was full of energy and vibrance with songs, dance performances and games.

The Nativity play directed by Mariya George was the centre of attraction of the day. A Nativity play or Christmas pageant is a play which recounts the story of the Nativity of Jesus. We were assigned the characters of Mary, Joseph, Melchior, Caspar, Balthazar, Gabriel, Shepherds and Herod the Great. The play was the culmination of days-long efforts made by us and we felt proud as the curtain fell.

The final part of the day was the Treasure Hunt organized by the College Union. Student teachers were divided into 3 groups and given a color each. All three groups went in search of the clues and treasure and the treasure hunt literally left us exhausted! The clues were so confusing and ambiguous that everybody strived to crack the clues.

And that's the wrap-up to another Christmas celebration.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

National Mathematics Day

National Mathematics Day is observed on 22 December every year to mark the birth anniversary of legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan. The day recognizes and celebrates his works. On this day, the genius mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan was born in 1887. At a very young age, Srinivasa Ramanujan showed signs of an unfolding genius, and his contributions span across the areas including fractions, infinite series, number theory, mathematical analysis etc.

Mathematics Association organized a mathematical creative contest competiton as part of the celebration. It was titled 'Triangle Tribute'. Student teachers were divided into 5 groups. Every group had to make a creative work using triangles only. Though this sounded a bit odd, the final works of the groups were impressive. The works were judged on the basis of creativity and originality of the work, accuracy in drawing triangles, theme of the work, neatness and clarity of work and overall impression of the work. The assembly conducted by the Mathematics association as part of the celebrations was informative. The prizes for the winners of the contest were also distributed in the assembly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Expression Wall🖤

In connection with International human rights day celebrations, Human rights and Ethics cell and Social Science Association collectively organized an event where student teachers and teachers were given chance to jot down their thoughts and their concerns regarding the basic human rights that are either denied or violated. The 'Expression Wall', a white cloth wall was set up at the UGC hall and everybody was free to express themselves.

The programme was formally inaugurated by Principal Dr. VK Santhosh Kumar he wrote 'Real is Rational' on the expression wall. Markers were distributed among student teachers and teachers to scribble down their thoughts. Active participation from the part of student teachers made the event successful. In less than an hour, the allotted area was full of their concerns documented in blue, black, red, brown and green. Dr. Jayakrishna K and Mariya George were the coordinators of the programme.

Monday, December 12, 2022

International Human Rights Day


International Human Rights Day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. 'Human rights' refer to basic rights or freedoms that include people's right to live, health, education, freedom of speech and thoughts, and equal rights. 

This day is observed to promote equality, peace, justice, freedom and the protection of human dignity. Every individual is entitled to rights irrespective of race, colour, religion, sex, language, or social status.

As part of celebrating the day and creating awareness regarding the same, a human rights oath was taken by the teachers and student teachers. Mariya George recited the oath which declared that every individual should respect the rights and freedom of others and it was repeated by everyone in unison.

A poster making competition was organized under Human Rights and Ethics cell of GCTE Thycaud. The theme of the competition was the theme of this year's International Human Rights Day; 'Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all'.

The competition was for the B.Ed and M.Ed students. One poster from each department was mandatory. The posters were to be made in accordance with the theme. Relevance of the theme, originality, creativity, colour harmony and visual impact were the criteria of evaluation. Each department came up with thought provoking posters depicting various concerns. All the posters maintained high creative and intellectual quality and were perfect portrayals of the theme.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Inauguration of the Guidance Cell and Talk on Stress Management

The Guidance Cell of Government College of Teacher Education, Thycaud  was inaugurated on December 9 by the Principal, Dr. V K Santhosh Kumar Sir. The programme took place in the General Hall. It began with the prayer song by Chinju S Nair. Jessy M delivered the welcome speech. The Vice Principal, Dr. Joly S delivered felicitations for the initiative.

A Talk on Stress Management was given by Jithin Prem, Apprentice under Jeevani Cell,GCTE Thycaud. The session was interactive, informative and productive. His style of presentation was somewhat different which in turn helped us in understanding the content well. He talked about stress and its causes and the difference between stress and anxiety. He also explained about positive stress, negative stress and post traumatic stress disorder. Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event. It's a normal part of everyone's life. When used positively, stress can lead to growth, action and change. But negative, long-term stress can lessen your quality of life. 

The psychological dimensions of these were brought to the audience in simple terms and through examples. Audience were given chance to share the strategies that they use to cope with everyday stress. Some of the strategies mentioned were music, travelling, reading, talking to friends etc. The resource person ended the talk by sharing some tips that would help in effective stress management in academic spaces as well as workplaces.

During the question-answer session in the end, he mentioned about cognitive dissonance and displacement and how they can negatively influence relationships between people and their position in the society. Asha Krishnan ma'am shared a reflection on the talk. Finally, vote of thanks was rendered by Keerthana SS.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


It was the last day of the M.Ed interns from Mar Theophilus Training College in GCTE Thycaud. Their internship spanned almost 3 weeks. During these three weeks, they were in charge of our psychology, philosophy and optional classes. The classes were more democratic in a sense and positive reinforcements were plenty. Irrespective of the lengthy sessions they took that too without breaks, we felt bad that they were leaving.

The final session they had to do was a conscientization programme which was titled 'ഗുരുദക്ഷിണ'. The session was lively and engaging. We were given balloons and asked us to inflate it. Then we were told that it's the stress accumulated within each one of us and asked us to pop it. I literally felt relieved after doing it.

The conscientization dealt with the gender inequality and various dimensions of it. The role of popular culture in propagating gender biases were highlighted. A reflection of the trends shown in recent malayalam films including Great Indian Kitchen, Home and Jaya Jaya Jaya He were also discussed. We were given charts cut in circle to draw faces or jot down whatever we wanted to. Sweets were distributed among us as tokens of love from their part.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Spread Awareness, Not Rumours..❤️

World AIDS Day, designated on 1 December every year since 1988, is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died of the disease. The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The HIV virus attacks the immune system of the patient and reduces its resistance to other diseases. Government and health officials, non-governmental organizations, and individuals around the world observe the day, often with education on AIDS prevention and control. Theme of this year's AIDS Day is ''Equalize''. The ''Equalize'' slogan is a call to action. It is a prompt for all of us to work for the proven practical actions needed to address inequalities and help end AIDS.

Biostar Natural Science Association and IQAC of GCTE Thycaud organized World Aids Day Programme on December 1 at the UGC Hall. The programme began with a prayer by Gowri Venu. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Rajashree K and Principal Dr. V K Santhosh Kumar gave the presidential address. Rakesh Mohan recited a pledge that is meant to affirm our solidarity with the victims of AIDS worldwide. Red ribbons were distributed among the attendees to reaffirm the same. The Felicitations were  offered by Dr. Joly S, Vice Principal of GCTE, and Rosh Kumar sir, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education.Revathy BR delivered the vote of thanks. A token of gratitude was handed over to the resource person Ms. Subathira S , Skill lab trainer, Training institute, Thycaud.

Expert talk on 'Let's stop HIV together' led by Ms. Subathira S was informative and enlightening. Within a very short span of time, she managed to educate us about the basics of HIV and AIDS, the mutation and mechanism of the pathogen, modes of transmission, diagnosis and services offered by the Government. The session was interactive and the resource person made use of powerpoint and white board to ensure that the content is properly transacted. She deconstructed certain myths and misconceptions regarding AIDS and sensitized us regarding this chronic, potentially life-threatening condition.


It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...