Monday, January 9, 2023

School Induction Programme - Day 5🖤

The fifth day of the school induction programme went really good. I reached the school by 9 30. After the prayer and pledge, we signed our attendance roll. We were given a schedule to engage the students in various periods during the whole day. Ashly, Bhagya and I went to the 6th standard and held a short interactive session with the students. We were also asked to supervise their PT period. Students divided themselves into teams and played football.

We gathered the remaining information and completed the process of data collection and took necessary photographs of the school premises. We engaged substitution hours allotted to us since some teachers were absent. During the lunch break a student of 8th standard came and gave me a tin of curry. It felt really special.

In the afternoon session, we took the third shared lesson which dealt with grammar in 9th standard. The students listened attentively. I was assigned the duty of handling VII A during the last period which was a PT period. As the equipments to play carrom, chess and ludo were insufficient, I made them play penalty shootout instead. The students thoroughly enjoyed it and told me that they felt really happy. We distributed sweets among the students and bid farewell to them.

After the national anthem, we signed our attendance roll and the same was attested by the HM. We met the teachers including the Principal, Manju Teacher and Padma Kumar Sir in person and took our leave.

It was the end of the 5 day long school induction programme which was a vivid chapter of the B.Ed life. The induction programme gave insights into the various aspects of the profession we're about to step into and the learners we're about to deal with. It personally helped me place myself as a teacher in a classroom and take up the expected role of a facilitator.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

School Induction Programme - Day 4🖤

It was the fourth day of the school induction programme. We reached the school by 9 15. The school had arranged the breakfast for students which was served by the teachers. The classes began by 9 30 after the prayer and pledge.

We visited the school auditorium, zoology lab and kitchen to understand the facilities of the school. We were given permission to observe the activities and working of midday meal scheme in the school. We inquired about the menu and timings of breakfast, lunch, milk and egg. It was told that the school follows a set menu and the charge of supervision is given to one of the teachers. 

We held an interactive session with the senior assistant of the school, Padma Kumar Sir to collect more details about the school and its activities. He told us about the SSLC result percentage of the school in the previous academic years. He also explained about the achievments of the school in co curricular activities including sports meet and school kalolsavam and the extension activities done under the initiative of school, SPC unit, NSS unit and BSG.

We discussed the third shared lesson with the B.Ed trainee who was handling English in HS section and finalised the schedule for it. We also engaged the students during a free hour as per the instruction given. We left the school by 3 45 after signing the attendance roll.

Friday, January 6, 2023

School Induction Programme - Day 3🖤


Third day of the school induction programme was hectic. We reached the school by 9 15. The school had arranged breakfast for the students. The classes began after the prayer and pledge as usual. We signed the attendance roll and met the HM. Ashly, Bhagya and I were assigned a class in 5th standard. After a short interactive session, we made all of them participate in a word game. The game was to write different words that begin with a selected letter on the white board. The students actively participated in the game and read out the words written by them aloud after the game was completed. We spent the second hour in the 9th standard and held an interactive session. We asked the students about their ambitions and certain other things. 

We did the final preparations for the second lesson we had to take in 8th standard during the third hour. The second lesson in the 8th standard was a prose lesson where we dealt with the second part of the chapter titled 'The School for Sympathy'. The class went good. We were asked by the teachers to engage the students during two periods in the afternoon session.

The NSS volunteers of the school came and gave away a toy titled 'à´•ിà´²്à´²ാà´Ÿി à´ªാà´µ' symbolic of the struggle against drugs. They told us about various other activities undertaken by NSS and SPC. We were also given cup candles worth Rs.5 which were made by the NSS unit as part of vocational training.

After another busy day, we left the school by 3 45.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

School Induction Programme - Day 2🖤

The second day of school induction programme was eventful. I took the city shuttle and reached the school by 9 15. The day ahead was hectic than last day. We went to the office, greeted the HM and signed our attendance roll. Right after the prayer and pledge, Ashly, Bhagya and I met Manju Teacher who had permitted us to observe her class. Her class was in Std VII. She began the new unit Light and Shade and started the lesson titled The lonely child and the Puppy. The students were made to read the script in group and given activities at the end of the class.

After the class, we talked to the teacher about the Language Lab, Hello English programme and other activities. She had given us the printout of the materials provided under Hello English and explained various classroom implications of it.

We were allotted a lesson in Std VIII as part of the school induction programme. The lesson was taken in shared manner by the three of us. The slot assigned was from 11 am to 11 40 am. One of the students gave chocolates to us and we wished her happy birthday. The English teacher came to the class and sat with the learners. She remained there till the comprehension part was over. I felt really nervous. However, we were able to complete the lesson properly as we had planned. The class was manageable and the learners were attentive and cooperative. 

The second class we had chosen for observation and reporting was that of Padmakumar Sir who handled Malayalam in HS section. He started a new unit titled à´•ാà´²ം ദര്‍à´¶ിà´š്à´š à´°à´¸ാà´¨ുà´­ൂà´¤ിà´•à´³്‍ and explained the Introduction to the unit. He discussed about the various dimensions of LSRW skills and their development in students. 

We went to collect more data about the school and the co curricular activities took place there. We asked for permission from the teachers and took some photos too. We signed the attendance roll and left the school at 3 45 after national anthem.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

School Induction Programme - Day 1🖤

It was the first day of the school induction programme. The group sent to GGHS Karamana consisted of 7 student teachers from English, Tamil and Natural Science optionals. We took the city shuttle and reached the school by 9. The first day started off really slow. We met the HM of the school Ms. Mini PV and discussed about the schedule and the things to be done. We were asked to meet the concerned optional teachers and finalise the schedule of our lessons. The classes started at 9 30 followed by the prayer and pledge. Everybody in the school was busy at the day marked the reopening of the school after a 11 day long vacation. Teachers were seen hurrying to the classrooms with bundles of answer sheets that carried the marks of the students' mid-term examinations. Almost every teacher spent the first class after vacation distributing the answer sheets, discussing the question paper and explaining the answers. We were given a classroom on the second floor to sit and keep our bags.

The entrance of the school had a wall painting of Ayyankali and Panchami. The painting commemorates Mahatma Ayyankali's revolution attempt to enroll a Pulaya girl in a government school in Ooruttambalam which led to violent acts perpetrated by the oppressor caste. It declared the history of the injustice meted out to the lower caste and their historic resistance.

Ashly, Bhagya and I met the English teacher and enquired about the portions to be taken. It was said that only a single unit is left for Standard VIII and XI and they are being handled by the trainee from another B.Ed college. We were asked to communicate with the trainee regarding the lessons and inform her. After the discussion, we were allotted the first chapter of the last unit of Std VIII coursebook titled 'School for sympathy' and the timetable was also provided. As the English teacher who handled the HS classes wasn't available to take proper classes, we asked the permission for observing the classes from two teachers who handled English in UP and Malayalam in HS section. Thus, by the end of first day, the schedules of the observation and the first lesson was finalised.

Later, we took a quick tour of the school to understand the infrastructure and basic facilities of the school and noted down the necessary details. The experience was brand new since the teachers and students of the school referred to us as 'teachers'. The first day of the school induction programme ended at 3 30 followed by the national anthem.


It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...