Monday, October 9, 2023

School Internship Phase I - Day 1

 The first day of school internship phase 1.

I was nervous to be honest. I could sense the importance of this day for if this day goes wrong, I'm doomed.

I reached the school by 9. A brief orientation session led by Additional HM was arranged at the school. She clarified the school timings and reminded us that we're part of the school. She asked us to be part of all school activities and duties.

I had my first class during the first period itself at 8J. The students were cooperative. They actively participated in the discussion and interaction. I messed it up when I asked their names and tried  recalling them. And the whole class burst into laughter. As the clock struck 10:10, I ended my class. However, I forgot to clean the board and return the chalk. I had to run all the way back to the class which was at the first floor to clean the board and return the chalk piece. As I got there, a teacher was there. She also nodded and smiled at me when I told her that I forgot to do it as I was in a hurry. 

We were given a classroom on the first floor of Antony block during the lunch break. After lunch, I worked on my ppt and went to 9C during the last hour. I dealt with Climate change is not hysteria, it's a fact by DiCaprio. The learners seemed interested while I played the original version of the speech on the projector and speaker.

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...