Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Duty Time

It was the first day of Thiruvananthapuram District Science, Social Science, Maths, Work Experience and IT fair. We were asked to report at the school office at 9 30. A meeting was held at the conference hall and duties were assigned to us. We dustrubuted tea and snacks to the officials and judges. Later, Parvathy and I accompanied Sujith sir and two other judges who evaluated the Still Models of HSS section. It was a whole new experience. Majority of the models were based on the the space innovations and sustainable development. Some of the models concretized concepts like ideal fishing village, model village and biodiversity conservation. 

In the afternoon session, I was asked to invigilate Local History Writing(HS). The competition threw light over various unexplored locales within Thiruvananthapuram district. Since it was the last item, the competition ended by 5pm.

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...