Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Children's Day♥


It was Nehru's birthday. There was a special assembly held to celebrate children's day. I was happy that Nehru, his life and vision are being discussed in schools. I was asked to engage 8E during the second hour while they learned Hindi. During the third hour, I had a class with 8E. I started First Showers, a beautiful poem about rain written by Nalini Sharma. A learner asked me if the author is still alive. Actually I hadn't paid attention to that detail while I was going through her profile. I told her that I'll let her know the next day. I understood how important it is to always refer to the details. The class went really well. Learners shared their rain memories and their favourite things to do while its raining. Active participation of learners in the interaction and activities added to the life of the class. Later, I played the animation of The Nightingale and the Rose which was screened in Sydney International Film Festival. I found it hard to deal with the mean comments the learners threw at the characters. 

During the fifth hour, I engaged 9C. I discussed the elements of a news report. However, the class ended soon as there was an awareness class for the learners related to Diabetes day. We were asked in the evening to actively cooperate with the school to successfully curate the Thiruvananthapuram District Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Work Experience and IT Fair.

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...