Wednesday, December 13, 2023


It was the first day of the half yearly examination. We were asked to report at G2 at 9 30 and carry out the duties according to the instructions. The learners of standard 8 and HSS section who didnt have exams in the forenoon session were seated at the auditorium. We were asked to look over them to ensure that they don't roam around the campus unnecessarily and the discipline is maintained. It was a monotonous task since there wasn't really anything to do. Besides I had to constantly approach the learners and tell them to keep silence or learn.

In the afternoon, Mary and I were assigned the duty to help teachers in the UP section. We accompanied Priya teacher while she distributed the armed forces day stamp among the teachers and engaged the learners of standard 5 as part of maintaining discipline

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...