Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Ship'wreck'

I engaged 8C during the third period. We started the new unit Wings and Wheels. As an introduction to the unit, I asked them whether they've heard the name 'Robinson Crusoe' to which their answer was no. I gave a gist of his story and introduced 'The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe'. I played the scene after the shipwreck taken from the movie adaptation of 'The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe' released in 1997. Since the class didn't has a working projector, it was difficult to take an ICT integrated lesson, especially when the content is a video. Learners were excited to see the movie and acted surprised when Crusoe took an egg and put it back because it was hatched. We discussed the initial part of 'A Shipwrecked Sailor'. The lesson was so difficult to comprehend since it had a lot of new words. I made use of pictures to explain words which I felt, helped the learners in comprehension.

I engaged 8C for another period in the afternoon. We discussed the next part of the lesson. While discussing the term 'Fatso', we held a discussion around bodyshaming. Learners gave varied inputs regarding their views and experiences. However, it concluded on the note that, we should love ourselves first and we'll emerge as individuals having positive feelings and love towards fellow beings. Learners seemed to have confusions  about the author and character. It took me atleast 4 or 5 attempts to clarify the confusion. The chapter is too tough to discuss because of the difficult words within each paragraph.

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...