Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Diverse Perspectives..🌚

I had my first class with 8E. We discussed the last part of the story 'A Day in the Country'. While doing the comprehension part, I asked learners why did the children go to the barn instead of their house. They had diverse answers like 'it was dark and they couldn't see the road' and 'their house was too far and since they were tired they decided to rest'. When I asked them about the part where Terenty placed bread under their head, they had diverse connotations about it, being a dream and Terenty secretly entering the barn. I was wondering how distinct the thoughts of children are!

I dealt with A Prayer in Spring in the afternoon in 9C. It was a short and meditative poem by Robert Frost. When I asked learners  that which pronoun should I use while referring to God, they responded variedly. Some responses aligned with the metanarrative of 'God being a he' while some others said God didn't has a gender. A learner mentioned Ariana Grande's God is a Woman and opined that 'she' can be used. And out of the blue, one asked 'do we need to specify the gender?' I loved how learners are so different individually and how they assert their own opinions.

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It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...