Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Back to School

I engaged 8J during the first hour. I dealt with the first 3 stanzas of The Sower. Introduction activity went as I had anticipated and all three learers who got the packages guessed that the theme of today's lesson will be farming. I wrote a quote by MS Swaminathan on the blackboard and initiated a discussion about the importance of agriculture. Learners shared their opinions and I wrote their responses on the board. The poem was short and simple. While appreciating the poem, I mentioned personification and alliteration and learners identified instances of personification they've come across and created examples for alliteration using their names. After the first hour, I engaged them for another hour during which two learners got into a verbal fight. I stood there watching and once it was settled, I told them how important it is to make sure that the opppsite person is not hurt, whenever we are engaging in a conversation or something else. I told them how important it is to apologize if they end up hurting people by chance.

I was told to conduct a test based on the poem 'Song of the Rain' in 9C. Shameem Teacher has handed over the questions to me. I reached the class by 1 10 and wrote the stanza for the comprehension question on the white board. I dictated the questions. Some of the learners were attending the IT exam and I postponed the exam by 10 minutes so that they could finish their exam and have their lunch. A learner randomly mentioned that she found it compassionate that I decided to do so. I felt happy hearing it. I realized how these small gestures and deeds leave a positive impact on the learners.

Monday, October 30, 2023


As soon as the exams were over, we were asked to go to the school, meet the teachers and discuss the lessons. I went and met learners from 8J and 9C to ask about the lessons since both the teachers were absent. Later, I talked to Shameem Tr over phone and she gave me instruction on the lesson to be taken.

Friday, October 13, 2023



I engaged 8J during the first hour amd finished Rosa Parks Sat Still. I was able to complete the lesson and the discourse part. I had prepared the model of a flow chart for the learners to complete based on the events of the lesson. They took turns and filled the chart.

I had two hours with 9J. After discussing the lesson I played the movie Miracles Still Happen(1974) based on Juliane's survival story and held a discussion based on it. The learners enjoyed watching the film and actively participated in the duscussion. Some of them pointed out certain disparities between the textbook version and film version and I had to explain in detail about the adaptation. I understood how variety and using resources other than coursebook enhances the teaching-learning process.

It was the last day before second semester examination and we relieved from the school by the evening.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Day 4♥

The first period was with 8J. I dealt with Montgomery bus boycott. Afer the loud reading, I played the original video clip of Martin Luther King Jr inaugurating the boycott to which learners actively paid attention. I asked the learners to prepare slogans for the boycott and gave colour papers and sketch pens to them. I had taken blue, red and orange papers with me. Everyone wanted blue papers and I didnt have enough blue papersn. It gave me the insight that I should be more aware of the minute things like choosing colour of the papers to be given. The slogans came out actually good and the learners presented their slogans. A learner passed me the paper after drawing a rose and park and labelling it as Rosa Parks. Though funny it was interesting to see how divergently learners approach things.

The class with 9J dealt with second part of The Jungle Air Crash. It was kind of dry and the learners appeared to be disinterested in the lesson as I did the teacher reading part. However, after the silent reading, learners actively participated by pointing out a lot of words and the powerpoint was able to explain the meanings. During the comprehension part, learners asked doubts regarding Juliane being the only survivor and how she managed to remove herself from the seatbelt. I had done an extended reading about the air crash prior to the class and managed to answer them. I realized how important it is to always refer to facts outside the text.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Day 3♥

I had a class with 8J during the first period. I dealt with the incident that took place inside the bus and how Rosa Parks was ill-treated. I deliberately read the lesson with more facial expressions and gestures than usual so that the learners are able to comprehend the exact context and its intensity along with the dilemma of the protagonist. However, I was unable to make the learners present the complete role play on their own due to restraints of time.

My class with 9C dealt with The Jungle Air Crash by Juliaen Koepcke. For the introduction, I shared my travel experiences in flight, train and bus and asked learners to share theirs. A learner shared her experience of flying to England and how she found it adventurous. I had made powerpoint presentation for the new words, activity and assignment. The class ended within the stipulated time and I felt that my time management skills are improving.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Day 2..🌏👩🏿‍🎨🖤


The second day had a lovely beginning. I met Sapna Teacher and discussed the lessons with her. I had a class with 8J during the first period. I spent so much time finding a movie scene that would portray casteism last night. Since the class didnt have a projecter, I had to manage with a laptop and a bluetooth speaker. I felt really happy as the learners watched the scene with so much curiosity and actively contributed to the discussion about it. A learner felt that it was wrong to pour hot tea into plastic glass, while a couple of learners identified the casteist undertone beneath it. Thus I could pull off a smooth introduction to Rosa Parks sat still. I showed a picture of George Floyd and narrated the event that led to his death. I could see empathy in the eyes of learners. I felt very contented that I was able to talk about these in the class and the learners showed the kind of response I had expected-concerned. The class went well as the students actively contributed to it. 

When asked about unfair rules, they shared how they felt about having to wear the coat in such hot days and how they hated wearing the ribbon over hair, the 6'o clock deadline or the 'exclusively girly' orders. I shared instances from my life when I felt that certain rules are unfair and the learners actively listened. I gave them an activity and a group presented the conversation between Rosa Parks and her friend.

I engaged 9C during the two periods after lunch break. The learners made posters about climate change and environmental issues. It was so good to see them actively participating in discussion and working on the poster. The second lesson that dealt with climate change is not hysteria, it's a fact was so full of new words and messages that learners asked doubts and responded well throughout the class. But I ended up using too many malayalam words in between the class while observing them and realized it only after the class.

Monday, October 9, 2023

School Internship Phase I - Day 1

 The first day of school internship phase 1.

I was nervous to be honest. I could sense the importance of this day for if this day goes wrong, I'm doomed.

I reached the school by 9. A brief orientation session led by Additional HM was arranged at the school. She clarified the school timings and reminded us that we're part of the school. She asked us to be part of all school activities and duties.

I had my first class during the first period itself at 8J. The students were cooperative. They actively participated in the discussion and interaction. I messed it up when I asked their names and tried  recalling them. And the whole class burst into laughter. As the clock struck 10:10, I ended my class. However, I forgot to clean the board and return the chalk. I had to run all the way back to the class which was at the first floor to clean the board and return the chalk piece. As I got there, a teacher was there. She also nodded and smiled at me when I told her that I forgot to do it as I was in a hurry. 

We were given a classroom on the first floor of Antony block during the lunch break. After lunch, I worked on my ppt and went to 9C during the last hour. I dealt with Climate change is not hysteria, it's a fact by DiCaprio. The learners seemed interested while I played the original version of the speech on the projector and speaker.


It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...