Friday, June 28, 2024

Emotional Roller Coaster🎢

I had a class with 8C during the fourth period. I had checked the papers of their test and prepared the marklist. As I entered the class, the learners asked me to distribute the answer sheets. Actually, the learners had made so many errors while writing the diary entry and profile. I had really struggled finishing the task. But, some learners burst into tears after receiving the answer sheets. I had no idea as to how this situation should be dealt. I was confused and emotional as well. I tried consoling and motivating them. But it didn't work. Finally, I assured them to conduct another exam and hand over its marks to the teacher. The retest for absentees and those who wanted a second chance was scheduled during the last period.

In the afternoon, I engaged 9B during the sixth period. We discussed the textual activities as part of the unit including question tag and imageries.

During the last period, I conducted a test for the learners of 8C. They were asked to conduct a class election and elect their leader. They voted and counted the votes gained by each candidate. I announced the class leader and second leaders. We clapped and congratulated the newly elected leaders.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


I engaged 9B during the fourth hour. I conducted a class test based on 'Debts of Gratitude'. The questions included a profile and a diary entry. I had written the details for the profile on the blackboard.10 minutes into the test, the teachers came and asked the learners to vacate the class and go to another room. I had to write the question once again on the whiteboard and it was quite time consuming. The learners demanded extra time to write the test and it went on till 12 45. 

In the afternoon, I had another class with 9B. It was raining during the lunch break. The learners seemed lethargic. However, they actively contributed to the teaching learning process. I had asked the learners to go through the poem 'Nothing Twice' and summarize it. Afterwards, I gave activity cards to then and asked them to discuss and write answers to the questions written on them. They were given chance to present their answers, following which I gave an explanation.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

International Anti Drug Day

It was international anti drug day. The day began by awareness song and speech by SPC cadets through the centralized announcement system. Learners of all classes wore handmade badges and created posters and placards to be demonstrated. A rally was organized by NCC cadets. They chanted say no to drugs and pledged their allegiance towards anti drug activities.

I engaged 8C during the third period and conducted a class test based on The Mysterious Picture and The Boy who Drew Cats. It consisted of two discourse questions, a profile and a diary entry. The time management skill of the learners was poor. I communicated this to them and asked them to work on it.

In the afternoon, I had another period with 8C. We discussed 'The Boy Who Drew Cats' upto the part where the boy fell asleep inside the little cabinet. The class management was problematic since it was raining and many of them had gone for the rally.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I engaged 9B during the 4th period. We discussed the final part of the poem 'Nothing Twice'. Learners seemed lacking an accurate understanding about the poetic devices. I promised to discuss it along with examples in the next class. The learners show a kind of reluctance towards responding actively during the teaching-learning process unless they are asked specifically. 

I engaged 8C during the last period. We discussed the part where the boys sets out to the big village temple. Learners were asked to create posters warning lonely travellers about the goblin. Colour papers and pens were distributed. They actively participated in the activity. They drew goblins and brainstormed various phrases to be used in the posters. The learner involvement, as far as groupwise poster making is concerned, is high.

Monday, June 24, 2024


I engaged 8C during the third period. We discussed the part where the young boy leaves the village temple. Learners were asked to imagine and write a letter to the boy's brother telling what happened at the village temple. They had confusions regarding the format of a letter which I clarified. I had to give prompts to the learners in order to help them write the letter.

In the afternoon, I engaged 9B during the last period. I discussed Nothing Twice, a poem By Wislawa Szymborska. As an introduction to the poem, I screened A Fleeting Moment, a short film by Allyanna Demafeliz. Learners were asked to share their views on the film and how the film explores the concept of time. They were asked to write about an unforgettable memory of theirs or draw a sketch on it. The learners seemed interested while watching the movie and shared their thoughts on how the two raindrops are in love. We discussed the first 3 stanzas and the class went well.

Friday, June 21, 2024


I engaged 8C during the fourth period. We discussed the unusual habit of the boy which is drawing cats. Learners were asked to write the character sketch of the young boy. Almost all learners wrote good character sketches highlighting the boy's habit of drawing cats. Some of them declared that they didn't like the boy because he's disobedient to the priest. I loved how the learners are creating their own reflections on the character of the young boy.

I engaged 9B during the sixth period and discussed the final part of Debts of Gratitude. I asked the learners to summarize the content taught in the previous classes. They were able to recall the emotional and cultural debts of Selma Lagerlof. Learners were asked to identify and write the message of the author to the readers. The fact that they understood the significance of gratitude and time was evident from their responses.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


I engaged 9B during the fourth and fifth period. I discussed the importance of practicing gratitude with them and asked about their views on the significance of gratitude in life.

Actually, the nature of this class is getting more confusing. They seem disconnected and aren't reciprocating the efforts that I take in order to plan and execute each lesson. I tried different approaches and tones, yet failed to have the complete engagement from them. I think I need to work more in order to meet the exact needs of the learners of this class.

I discussed the part where Selma Lagerlof reveals her actual debts of gratitude, which is emotional and cultural. I tried my best to transact the content and repeatedly asked questions to check their understanding. However, I'm yet to figure out what kind of learning experience they actually need.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I engaged 8C during the third period. We discussed the initial part of The Boy Who Drew Cats published by Hasegawa Takejiro. The learners were responsive and actively contributed to each phase of the lesson. The riddle was correctly answered following which Tanmaya drew a cat on the whiteboard. Everyone was asked to draw a cat on their notebook and name it. Later they asked me whether it's okay for them to make the sound of cat. As soon as I agreed to it, meow sounds of varying intonations began to be heard. Learners seemed surprised and excited while doing it. I understood how incorporating variety boosts the learner engagement. The lesson went really well. 

In the afternoon, Rajalekshmi and I met Sreekala teacher and discussed the necessary adjustments in the timetable with her.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


It was a hectic day. I engaged 8C during the third period and discussed the textual activities with them. I had a class with 9B during the fourth period. I started the chapter 'Debts of Gratitude' by Selma Lagerlof. Initially, I introduced the concept of gratitude and its importance. Learners didn't actually contribute anything significant and the class did lack an element of learner engagement. I think I should incorporate new strategies and activities to ensure that they are being engaged thoroughly. But that's possible only after having a detailed knowledge of the nature and needs of the class. I repeatedly asked them if they are able to follow the lesson to which they responded positively. Yet, I felt the necessity of it towards the end of the class. 

In the afternoon, I conducted test paper in 10J and 8C based on 'Adventures in a Banyan Tree' and 'The Mysterious Picture'.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Self-introduction, with a twist

I engaged 9B during the fifth period. I introduced myself and asked the learners to introduce them as well. I asked them to tell their name and place, followed by the action of a skill they have or their hobby. InitiaIly, the learners were hesitant to do it. So, I demonstrated it and told them how these simple activities help them in enhancing their public speaking skills. Then, they started doing the self-introduction based on the given instructions.

I also engaged the free periods in other classes as a subsitute.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Right after the prayer, we were allotted duties of supervising the assembly and engaging some classes where the teachers were absent. I engaged 10 G during the first period. After that, we were given the duty of verifying and sorting the applications of the learners for their ID cards. It was a time consuming task. However, we managed to complete it within the stipulated time.

Later, in the afternoon we were asked to engage vacant classes and make necessary arrangements for the lessons.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

School Internship Phase II

 First Day of the School Internship Phase II. 15 interns from our college were allotted GGHSS Cottonhill. I felt the same amount of nervousness as the first day of Phase I, while I stepped into the school. This is one of the most crucial parts in the B.Ed life. I hope everything goes well. 

Throughout the day, my learners from 9C, 8J and 8E were coming to meet and greet. It felt so warm. I realized the perks of this role. 

We were allotted teachers, and asked to meet them and enquire about the portions and time table. Shameem Teacher and Buena Teacher were allotted to me. I met them, asked them about the portions to be taken in 9B and 8C, and collected the time table. Later, I went through the portions and planned an outline of the lessons.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. It is a global event led by the United Nations to encourage awareness and action to protect the environment. The day aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire people and governments to take action to protect the planet. 

The Government College of Teacher Education celebrated Environment Day on June 5th, 2024, in General Hall 1. Daya Baburaj performed the prayer song, and Aslamiya, a first-year B.Ed. Natural Science student, gave the welcome address. The principal, Dr. A. V. Sujith, delivered the presidential address, discussing the Earth's layers and the significance of the day. The ward councillor, Mr. G. Madav Das, inaugurated the event and highlighted the day's importance with local examples. Workers from Harithakarma Sena were honored. Dr. Sujith V. Gopalan gave an informative resource talk on climate change, ecosystem restoration, the food web, and invasive species. Shyba teacher and Amal R., the College Union Chairman, also gave felicitations.


It was the last day of Internship. I engaged 8C during the third period. I was feeling emotional. I had loved this class since the beginning...